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Recently Added Lines

Biomaterial IDTypeGenesSitesCollectionsDate Added
BID00788iPSCNIH RMP MainControls2024-10-08
BID00787iPSCNIH RMP MainControls2024-10-08
BID00786iPSCTDP43NHCDR 1.0ALS2024-10-08
BID00785iPSCHDNHCDR 1.0HD2024-10-08
BID00784iPSCSOD1NHCDR 1.0ALS2024-10-08
BID00783FibroblastNHCDR 1.0Controls2024-09-05
BID00777iPSCATXN3NHCDR 1.0SCA2024-08-13
BID00778iPSCATXN3NHCDR 1.0SCA2024-08-13
BID00779iPSCATXN3NHCDR 1.0SCA2024-08-13
BID00780iPSCATXN3NHCDR 1.0SCA2024-08-13

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Our publications list is an ongoing project where we use a variety of methods to build the list, including mining publications that reference various IDs such as Cell Line IDs and Biomaterials IDs from the repository. For some cell lines, the catalog application provides a link to publications related to only that line. See, for example, ND29492.

NHCDR iPSC Line Approved for Use in Clinical Trial

An important advancement with human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) was announced this month. The GMP iPSC cell line distributed by Infinity BiologiX as part of the NINDS Human Cell and Data Repository (NHCDR) was approved for use in a clinical trial in Germany. This is the first time that engineered heart muscle (EHM) from iPSCs will be used to treat patients with heart failure. Read the full announcement here.

Lewy Body Dementia Collection

We added a new disease collection, Lewy Body Dementia, as part of The PDBP Project, one of our collaborative projects. To view subjects in this collection, click the Lewy Body Dementia button at the top of the catalog app in the section Filter Subjects by Disease Collection.